Our AI home is evolving quickly…

Years of AI Work Evolves as New Versions of Generative AI Rise

We admit that even we’re excited as Artificial Intelligence progresses to its next level, Gen AI and LLM’s. Based our past work, it presents many opportunities but also requires close governance and controls to keep the CX safe and positive.

ChatGPT-4 just launched and dwarfs ChatGPT-3. Upside potential is married with the need for controls.

‘ConversationalAI’ is both motivating, due to rapid scaling, and precautionary as constant control, monitoring, and stopgaps are needed to harvest the former while protecting from the latter. We use tools and add-ons, plus we harness our years’ experience to inject the human element and safely gain full potential.

Using ChatGPT-4

“ChatGPT-4 has officially been announced, confirming the longtime rumors around its improvements to the already incredibly impressive language skills of OpenAI’s ChatGPT. OpenAI calls it the company’s “most advanced system, producing safer and more useful responses.” Here’s everything we know about it so far.” Read more…

Generative AI has many business uses that apply to everyday life. They’re already in our lives in so, so many ways that most people aren’t even aware of. If used well, that’s a good things. Seamlessly boost the UX.

University of NY pointed out just how many places AI is. Think image recognition, Google search, online banking, shopping, leisure time and even emails. Yes, emails. Read more…

One key factor is how advanced and experimental your Generative AI and LLM are, then we make adjustments with your engineers or our resources accordingly. We literally map out the user journey and preferred outcomes. We use mapping to make sure that the UI is positive regardless of what path they take. We make sure that the NPS is always close to 10. That can include transfers to an agent. The Gartner article covers the concept.

Top 10 Trends in Artificial Intelligence in 2023

As an AI language model, I can predict some of the trends that might emerge in the field of Artificial Intelligence in 2023. Here are the top 10 trends that might be seen in the AI industry:

1.     More companies will invest in GenAI research and development: As AI technology continues to advance and prove its value, more businesses will invest in AI R&D to stay competitive.

2.     Ethical AI will be a significant focus: As concerns about the ethical implications of AI continue to grow, companies will focus more on developing ethical and responsible AI systems.

3.     AI-powered cybersecurity will become more critical: Cybersecurity threats are evolving and becoming more sophisticated. In response, companies will increasingly rely on AI-powered cybersecurity solutions to protect their systems.

4.     AI in healthcare will continue to expand: AI has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by improving diagnostics, treatments, and patient outcomes. In 2023, we can expect to see more AI-powered healthcare solutions.

5.     Explainable AI will become more important: As Generative AI systems become more complex, it will become increasingly important for companies to develop AI systems that can explain their decision-making processes.

6.     AI will continue to transform the customer experience: AI-powered chatbots, personalized recommendations, and other AI-based solutions will continue to enhance the customer experience.

7.     More AI-powered autonomous systems will be developed: Autonomous vehicles, drones, and other AI-powered systems will continue to advance in 2023, with significant implications for industries like transportation and logistics.

8.     AI-powered natural language processing will continue to improve: AI-powered language models like GPT-3 are already showing incredible promise in natural language processing. In 2023, we can expect to see even more significant advancements in this area.

9.     AI will continue to augment human workforces: AI-powered tools like automation and machine learning will continue to augment human workforces, allowing people to focus on tasks that require human skills.

10.     Quantum computing will have a significant impact on AI: As quantum computing continues to advance, it will have a significant impact on the development of AI systems, allowing for even more complex and sophisticated algorithms and models.